Exercice : Mini Challenge

Mini Challenge 1: 50 cm Challenge

Place two pieces of black electrical tape 50 cm apart.

Your robot should travel exactly from one to the other to complete the challenge!


Program your robot to travel exactly 50 cm!


Hint 1: Change the distance your robot travels by changing the number of Rotations it is programmed to go.


Hint 2: Measure how far your robot went with its 3 rotation program, and see if you can use that information to reason about how many rotations is should take to go 50 cm instead!


Hint 3: You can use this document "moving straight [pdf]" to understand how to program your robot to move straight.

Brake vs. Coast

The last space on the Move Steering Block is for “Apply Brakes”.


What is the difference between the "Brake" and "Coast" settings for this option?



Break Mode gives "tight" control and stops the motor exactly at the requested amount.

Coast Mode gives "loose" control and lets the motor slow to a stop after turning the requested amount.